6 Tips For Crewmates And Impostors On Polus

6 Tips For Crewmates And Impostors On Polus

Unlike the other maps, Polus takes place partially outside set on “Planet Polus.” The purple planet is technically larger than Mira HQ but is a lot more straightforward compared to Mira’s odd structure. Polus also presents plenty of ways either crewmates and impostors can win.

1.Kill In Dropship 

Dropship on POLUS in Among Us

For impostors, the best place to commit a murder is in Dropship. That is because there are very few tasks that happen inside the area and most players end up taking care of them right out of the gate, as noted above.

If an impostor can trick another crewmate into following them into the Dropship, killing them there may lead to crewmates never finding them as they may not check there. That said, crewmates should always give this room a glance in case someone is shown as dead on vitals.


2.Be Careful Of Certain Cameras

The camera outside O2 on Polus in Among Us

If you are an impostor, it is always important to keep an eye out for cameras being on to make sure not to arouse suspicion. But there are certain cameras that deserve extra attention. For example, the camera in the lower-left portion of Polus outside O2 is not just capturing the area outside but also right inside the building.

In other words, it is best not to kill anywhere near that area as it may be caught on camera. For crewmates, keep this idea in mind when using cameras so that you check it frequently. And of course, try not to look suspicious when hanging out in that area either.

3.MedBay Is An Important Task To Have

MedBay on Polus in Among Us

Out of all the tasks to have on Polus, MedBay may be the most crucial one to have when trying to gain trust and narrow down the number of suspected imposters. Crewmates with the task can find someone else who also claims to have it, with one person using the scanner and the other checking to see if the MedBay is in use.

The best part about this is if both crewmates are clear, that can increase trust between the two of them and they can cooperate. For impostors, this can also show which players need to be killed off as keeping the more suspicious people around with help you.

4.Always Find An Alibi

Imposter faking Water Wheel on Polus in Among Us

The best tactic for impostors to use socially during games is to hang out with someone occasionally without killing them. This is especially important on a map like Polus because the map is rather big and sticking with someone for a long stretch of time could give them some comfort believing their friend is actually good.

In a similar vein, crewmates may find it worth it to stick with someone they can trust thanks again to Polus’ map size. A crewmate sticking with a buddy may prevent the impostor from going out of their way to murder them. That said, there is always a chance a crewmate may put faith in the wrong person.

5.Do Common Task Early

The Insert Keys task on Polus in Among Us

Common tasks are assignments that every crewmate gets and must complete in order to win the match. Impostors need to fake this task in order to not get caught. An early test is if the common task is “Insert Keys.”

This task will be right behind everyone when they spawn in. While it will be listed in the task list, imposters should look to see if players go to it in the beginning.  Crewmates should do this task early too as to not get accused of being an oblivious impostor.


6.Watch Vitals Frequently

Vitals on Polus in Among Us

Like other maps , Polus gives the crewmates the tools needed to figure out the crimes being committed around the base. Vitals, located in the Office area, give players the ability to see if any players have died without discovering a dead body.

This is useful because it could give crewmates an idea as to when an individual dies in order to potentially catch an impostor in a lie. Impostors who frequently use vitals may not find much use out of it, but it could throw some crewmates off if you check frequently enough.


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