10 Annoying Things People Do in Among Us

Like any popular online game, there are some annoying player habits that are incredibly common in Among Us. Most people will recognize the frustration of someone calling an emergency meeting for no reason, or the lazy crewmate who doesn’t do their tasks. Alongside those irritating behaviors, here are some of the other super-annoying things that people do.

1.Failing To Listen To Reason Or Logic

a ghost in among us trying to talk to the other ghosts

Deduction skills feature as one of the most important parts of playing Among Us. Time is of the essence, and failing to do what’s best for the crewmates can have dire consequences for players further down the line.

So, the last thing that a player should do is fail to understand or completely ignore any red flags that other players are mentioning during meetings. After all, this is a game where collaboration is key to ensure survival, and a lack of teamwork can be one of the most annoying things in Among Us.

2.Reducing Or Eliminating Kill Time

Among Us gameplay with yellow and black crew members.

Kill Time is an important mechanic in Among Us as it prevents impostors from killing crewmates without a care in the world. With this mechanic, kills become more tactical and impostors need to map their movements so that they don’t get caught out.

Some Among Us players don’t pay attention to this mechanic and end up nixing it for no reason. Without adequate Kill Time, impostors can kill whoever they want to without a care in the world. It might be a fast-paced game, but a really unfair one for crewmates who have no means of defense.

3.Too Many Impostors In A Game

One of the new kill animations coming to Among Us in 2021

Among Us caps the total number of impostors in a game depending on the number of players. However, there are still times when the number of impostors gets a bit too excessive.

Ideally, only 20% of the crew should be impostors. Any more than that and the impostors will have a field day as they kill off every crew member in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, some Among Us trolls take pleasure in adding too many impostors so that they can decimate innocent crewmates.

4.Players Don’t Contribute During Meetings

A screenshot from the game, showcasing the discussion screen

Meetings are one of the most important parts of Among Us. The discussions that happen during these important events can either guarantee the victory of the crew members… or allow the impostors to take out everyone in sight.

For players to either go AFK or not contribute in a meaningful manner during these discussions is akin to a death sentence. Unfortunately, this happens more often than not, which is easily one of the most annoying things in Among Us.

5.Teamwork Fails During The Final Stretch

Among Us Airship The Gap Room Easter Egg via Caldinibe on Youtube
via Caldinibe on Youtube

The most critical moments in Among Us come when some crewmates are down and out, and the impostors only need a kill or two to attain victory. During these moments, it’s the need of the hour to ensure that all surviving crewmates band together and weed out the impostors.

Unfortunately, this is where the hot-headed Among Us players shine more often than not. Groups end up disintegrating and blaming each other in a needless war of words that pretty much guarantees a player’s demise.

6.Make Their Name a Color

among us lobby name colors

You can set your nickname in Among Us to (almost) anything you want, but people won’t typically use it. Most of the time, people refer to other players by their color. For example, they won’t say “Janet is suspicious,” they’ll say “orange is sus.”

So, it stands to reason that one’s name shouldn’t be a color that differs from their avatar . It’s incredibly annoying when the orange player is named “blue” and then people don’t know if you’re talking about them, or the person with the blue avatar. It especially doesn’t help for people who are colorblind.

7.Don’t Start When the Lobby is Full

among us full lobby

If you’ve ever been in a lobby that has filled up, you’ve probably seen the chat full of people saying “start.” Humans are naturally impatient, so when the host takes a while to notice that the lobby is full and subsequently begins the game, people can get frustrated.

It gets even worse when the lobby is at 10 out of 10 and the host is running around for a long while without starting the game. Why are you making us wait?

8.Max Vote Time

Among Us Chat

There’s a whole host of settings for the game that the host can change, including the number of emergency meetings allowed, the walking speed of the players, and much more. One of the settings that can veer into irritating territory is the voting time setting, which changes how long players have to vote in each round.

Sometimes, hosts will set the voting time to be extremely long, which is almost always unnecessary. This then goes from slightly irritating to incredibly frustrating when someone hasn’t voted… or, even worse, when they refuse to for one of the various reasons that people do exactly that.

9.Get Lazy with Tasks

among us security room cameras

As a crewmate, there are basically two ways to win: root out all of the impostors, or complete all of your tasks. Task wins seem to be pretty rare, with the other option being much more common, it seems. But, this is no reason to completely shrug off your responsibilities as a crewmate.

Just because task wins aren’t common doesn’t mean they don’t happen. It’s annoying to see someone just standing around in the cafeteria or just watching the security cameras the entire game. Much like in real life, you need to pull your weight, or people won’t like you.

10.Call Emergency Meetings for No Reason

The screen that pops up once you press the emergency button in the cafateria

What a world of bliss it would be if there were no emergency meetings unless absolutely necessary. Sure, seeing someone vent and wanting to report it without a body to report to begin a meeting is useful, but it seems like more often than not emergency meetings are a complete waste of time.

Many people call them to do useless and irritating things, like say they don’t know how to play the game, or just to troll the other players. This is even more frustrating when you’re in the middle of a task and the meeting is called, resetting your progress.







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