10 Things You Can Do When You’re A Ghost

10 Things You Can Do When You’re A Ghost

Here are some tips that would help you to do things when you are not able to take an active part in the game:


1.Figure Out Who All The Impostors Are

A screenshot from the beginning of a match in Among Us

Sure, you could just ask in the

Sure, you could just ask in the ghost chat who killed who, but where’s the fun in that? Instead, put your sleuthing hat on and follow all the players you were suspicious about while you were still alive. The feeling of pure joy and vindication when Yellow vents after they previously denied anything of the sort will be so worth it. This will also help you learn how different players lie, what their tells are, how to catch them out in the future. You could also watch  Among Us streamers to pick up some tips.

2.Sabotage Doors

Decontamination on MIRA HQ in Among Us

If you got caught out early and the crew

If you got caught out early and the crew vented you, you can still mess with them and help your fellow Impostors win (you monster). Sabotaging doors is a great way to slow crewmates down and get tensions rising. They’ll wonder if the person they’re locked in with is going to kill them and start acting weirdly. This will lead to accusations later and help the Impostors get the upper hand back.


3.Finish Your Tasks

Among Us Unlock Manifolds Task
Among Us Unlock Manifolds Task

It clearly states in the crewmate contract (that we misplaced) that death does not excuse you from fulfilling your duties to whatever company is funding everything. It may be tempting to just go on your phone until the next game, but you can still play now.

Do your tasks to help your crewmates and ensure your death wasn’t in vain. The tasks are actually a lot less stressful when you don’t have to worry about the Impostor killing you (again).

4.Sabotage Strategically

Reactor on MIRA HQ in Among Us

Stick with your fellow Impostor(s) and only sabotage things that will actively help them. If they’re by the reactor and everyone else is at the shields, don’t cause a meltdown. They’ll have to fix it to avoid suspicion but no one will know they did it.

5.Follow The Impostor

a ghost following their killer in among us

Now, this might seem a little strange since you can’t actually do anything to them or help crewmates they’re about to kill. But, it will help you learn where they like to hide and skulk about, where people get killed most often, and just how each player acts as the Impostor. This will help give you an edge in later rounds, as you can avoid those spots as a crewmate, or use them as an Impostor and pin the blame on the old one.

6.Don’t Do Tasks Near The Impostor

a ghost completing the scan task in among us

If you’re playing with visual tasks on, you know, like a coward, then avoid doing any of these tasks near the Impostor. If you do, they can claim they did them to avoid arousing suspicion during the discussion. Do them around some crewmates if possible, that way, if the Imposter lies and says they did it your crewmates can call them out. If possible, don’t do tasks where the Impostors were coming from or going to either as this gives them more chance to lie successfully.

7.Chat To Other Ghosts

a player in among us tries to make friends by chatting to the other players

Talk! Get to know the other players, see if you want to play more games. Games are social and are a great way to make new friends, especially during a pandemic when meeting people IRL is much harder. Among Us lobbies are a great laugh, with many players adopting characters such as janitor or pilot and really committing to the role the entire round. It’s always fun talking to these players and seeing how far they’ll go to stay in character.

8.Plan A Strategy For Next Game

The screen that pops up once you press the emergency button in the cafateria

This is risky, as you’ll almost definitely have a future Impostor with you, but planning out how to approach the next game can save valuable discussion time in later rounds. You can agree on a buddy system so that it’s easy to figure out who killed who.

9.Comfort Your Mini Crewmate As They Mourn You

among us character creator with mini crewmate

The mini crewmates all look on, terrified, as you’re killed. Did you know they also remain where you died for the rest of the game? It is truly, truly, the saddest and most gut-wrenching sight in the entire game. It’s hard to rank the pets as they’re all just so darn cute, but the dog definitely has the saddest waiting animation.

It will be hard for you to see them sit and wait by your place of death. You could always cosplay with one so that you could pet it IRL. Maybe they’ll sense your ghost is there with them, trying to wipe their tears away. But you can’t, because ghost hands don’t work that way. Probably, maybe.

10.Grab A Snack Or Drink

Animal Crossing New Horizons Tea Cup Ride

Seriously. If you’ve done all your tasks and are just sat there waiting for the game to end, grab a bite to eat or make yourself a cup of tea. Looking after yourself while playing games is important. Everyone has lost several hours in front of the screen before, it happens, just try and make sure you’re staying healthy while you game. After all, making sure you aren’t hungry, achy, or thirsty will ensure you stay sharp and focused for the next game.


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