General Phrases For Crewmate & Imposter

General Phrases For Crewmate & Imposter

What To Say As Cremate

General Phrases To Use For Cremate

  • What tasks does everyone have left?
  • Does anyone have visual tasks?
  • Come with me and I’ll prove I’m innocent
  • Did anyone see [color] last turn?

Ask About Tasks


What tasks does everyone have left?

This question is a good way to encourage conversation among crewmates about tasks. It will get people talking and focused on completing tasks. The more you’re aware of other people’s progress, the better idea you can have of who is suspicious. You can segue this into:


“Does anyone have visual tasks?”

Using visual tasks to confirm the identity of other Crewmates is absolutely crucial, as it can show you who is on your side. Of course, this can also put a big target on your head, but as long as you move together with others you should be fine.

Assertively Prove Your Innocence


“Come with me to storage and I’ll do Chute to prove I’m innocent.”

Giving direct, clear instructions (it’s best to direct them at a specific person) is always a good idea. Save up a  visual task and prove your innocence to somebody (at least 2 people is recommended).

Ask About Other Players (Without Accusing Directly)


“Did anyone see [player] last turn?”

When you want to ascertain what another player was doing but have no proof, try to involve other players in your investigation. Many people may play the game rather passively, but if they are given specific instructions they are likely to respond to them and help you. Be assertive in asking for help.

What To Say As Imposter

General Phrases To Use For Imposters

  • Who are we voting out?

  • I was with [player] last turn, he’s okay

  • We’re almost done, focus on tasks this turn

Go With The Flow


“Who are we voting out?”

There are times when you won’t necessarily want to be the leader of the group and will want to blend in with the crowd. Try to read the room and adjust your behavior accordingly. When you want to go with the flow, a good strategy is to ask people who to vote for, without necessarily trying to set somebody up! Let people talk themselves into confusion and just go with the flow.

Defend Someone

What To Say


“I was with [player] last turn, so they’re safe.”

Demonstrating confidence and helping out other players you found yourself near can help you build trust with Crewmates. Most people won’t object immediately to being defended – remember how the saying goes: you’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. This can backfire however, so be careful.

Urge Others To Focus On Tasks


“We don’t have proof, so let’s skip and focus on tasks this turn. We’re almost done.”

Using this method, when done correctly, can help buy you some more additional time. Urge people to focus on tasks, preferably after sharing what they’ve got left to do. You can use this precious time to avoid having you or your ally get voted out.


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