Particularly talented strategists will recognize that it is more beneficial for crewmates to eject a suspected Impostor because, even if they are wrong, they only lose a fraction of their team, while the Impostors will lose around 50%. Additionally, it is always easier to try and prove innocence rather than guilt, and the best Among Us players will focus on the facts and on clearing players as innocent rather than tossing around speculations of player guilt. Though there are many variables that will determine the outcome of any single match, players can improve their skills or adopt new strategies and win more consistently. For those players looking to get better at Among Us and take their strategy and deduction to the next level, here are some tips and tricks to improve the chances of winning.

Advanced Tips and Tricks for Winning Among Us as Impostor

Impostors need to be able to stay above suspicion to improve their chances of winning the game. As there are always going to be fewer Impostors than there are crewmates, it is in the Impostor’s best interest to avoid earning the suspicion of other players.

The fastest way to appear suspicious is to be caught by a crewmate after making a kill. They are likely to report the body, calling a meeting of all crewmates, and will likely accuse the Impostor of being an Impostor. The knee-jerk response that player is most likely to have is counter-accusing their accuser to cast doubts on their story. This may look like it works, and it might even get the accuser booted out of the airlock. However, it will paint a clear target on the Impostor’s back, as it will be clear to all other crewmates that one player was lying. Even with Confirm Ejects turned off , the crewmates will likely just eject both accusers to be safe.

The better strategy is for the Impostor to spin a story about why they were caught near the body. Good alibis might be that they were coming to investigate the crime scene, or that they were heading toward a particular task. Impostors will need to think quickly and be able to lie effectively under pressure for this to work. The Impostor will also need to be careful not to lay it on too thick, because the more vigorously someone defends themselves, the guiltier they begin to appear.

If a player is rambling a lot, this can be a good way for the Impostor to shift blame onto that crewmate. Rambling looks suspicious, as does talking too much. New players tend to talk a lot in a bid to express their innocence, and the Impostor can take advantage of this and use it to accuse and cast doubt on that player.

The other way Impostors can clear themselves of wrongdoing is to have someone vouch for them. One way this could work is by making a kill in a secluded area, venting away, and finding areas with a lot of crewmates who can see the Impostor player performing fake tasks  and vouch for their innocence once the body is discovered. Another way might be to kill in a crowded area where the confusion will likely help shield the Impostor from suspicion. Finally, the Impostors can and should team up if there are several of them and vouch for one another. Of course, if they do this too often, it could backfire, but it is a good way to begin the game and get a few kills without being caught.

If Impostors want to make it easier to make kills undetected, they may want to use sabotage. While cutting the lights are a popular choice, given it limits crewmates’ vision and can make it easy for the Impostor to avoid suspicion, it is a fairly obvious move and won’t necessarily change crewmates’ courses or force them into different locations for easy kills. Impostors should not ignore the lights, but they should also consider other sabotages that force crewmates to leave their tasks and go fix the problem. This can give the Impostor access to secluded crewmates while others leave their posts and can make it easier to avoid detection.