Roles: Engineer, Guardian Angel and others

Roles: Engineer, Guardian Angel and others

There are a handful of roles that you can play in Among Us that you’ll need to master if you want to maneuver around the map and assist your teammates. There are currently seven roles in Among Us. Besides Cremate and Impostor, new roles have been added. Each role has different abilities and mechanics. By default, all players have access to: Admin, Customize, Doorlog, Report, Security, Use  and Vitals. Here’s some information about all of the Among Us new roles.


The Engineer has the unique ability to adventure into the vents with the Imposter. Previously, only the Imposter could use these, but as an Engineer, you can safely move around the map to quickly zip around. However, Engineers can only stay in a vent for a limited time and must wait for a period of time before they can use another vent. Engineers cannot travel through vents while Comms Sabotaged is active. Due to being a Crewmate-based role, they also cannot enter a vent if the vent is to be used for Clean vent (however, this does not prevent the Engineer from using the vent system said vent is connected to.)

Guardian Angel

The Guardian Angel is a crewmate who is most effective after they’ve died. Like a ghost, they’ll be able to travel around the map and provide protection to the other crewmates by providing them a temporary shield to protect their friends against the Imposter. The shield does not last too long, but it can buy someone a few seconds of survival.

Players can set the odds of a Guardian Angel appearing before starting a game of Among Us  in the lobby’s options. This role, however, will only be assigned after the first crewmate is killed, with that dead crewmate being given the Guardian Angel role. the identity of the Guardian Angel player is made public knowledge via the voting screen. The dead player serving as a Guardian Angel will have a small wing icon next to their name, signifying their new role. Guardian Angel ghosts have a different appearance from other ghosts, instead appearing with large angel wings that flap behind them as they float around the map.


As the Scientist, you’ll be able to check your allies’ health while you’re playing the game. You’ll be able to tell if one of them is dead or not.

Scientists can access their crew members’ vital signs at any time. These specialized Crewmates have a personal monitor that can alert them the instant somebody flatlines. So they will know about fresh bodies that haven’t been reported earlier than others, but they still need to find where in order to report them.

Vitals have always been a part of the game. However, Crewmates need to visit the Office in Polus or Medical in The Airship to see them. Understandably, Impostors would want to kill off the Scientists to hide information on when someone died or who already has died. It can trip up inexperienced Impostors who report the body of someone they just murdered, which a Scientist might be able to deduce with Vitals.

There’s a catch, though. According to an InnerSloth blog post, the Scientist’s monitor has a battery that they need to recharge by completing tasks.  You can fill up the battery by completing tasks around the map. Scientists can’t explore without worrying about this meter, even if they have more knowledge than other Crewmates.


As the shapeshifter, players can pull up a menu that includes all surviving crewmates, allowing them to choose one and assume their identity, although the transformation leaves evidence for crewmates to find. This role presumably opens up new avenues for creative deception.

The Shapeshifter can change their appearance and disguise themselves as other Crewmates. Do it well to frame other Crewmates and create confusion about who the real Impostor is. But watch out! The disguise doesn’t last forever and leaves evidence behind.

Ability: This Impostor can pull up a menu of all other living Crewmates in the game and select one to copy their appearance (name, color, and cosmetics). However the shapeshifting only lasts for a limited amount of time, unless altered in the lobby settings. Crewmates can see you midway through shapeshifting if they’re within line of sight, and the shift will leave evidence behind. During meetings, the Shapeshifter will appear as their original selves.


Ghost are an additional role that players obtain when they are killed or ejected. Crewmate ghosts must continue to complete tasks, while Impostor ghosts can assist living Impostors by Sabotaging. If the Crewmates win, so do all Crewmate ghosts, and if all Impostors win, so do all Impostor ghosts.

You should know that you will have no collision on walls as a ghost. Hence, moving around the map becomes a total breeze, especially if you are playing on a mobile device. Plus, you get unlimited vision so you get a sure shot advantage in this case.

A downside to being a ghost as a crewmate is that you cannot do anything if there is an emergency due to sabotage. So if there’s loss of O2 or the reactor has issues then you can only be a spectator. Also, only ghosts can see other ghosts.

As a Crewmate ghost, you need to finish whichever tasks are left because it will still help your team to win. If the Impostor isn’t found, the completion of tasks is what will make your crew win. Keep in mind that if you are doing a task with a visible animation as a ghost, and an impostor walks in – they can pretend that it was them doing the task. So, always be careful even as a ghost.

If you are ejected as an Imposter (when there are multiple Impostors in the game), you can still sabotage and make the crew’s life difficult. You can trap an innocent player in a room by closing doors and the alive impostor can go in for the kill. By doing so, you will lock out other members while your impostor friend has someone trapped inside. Basically, you are a ghost assistant so ensure that you and your impostor friends are on the same page. You can only sabotage, though, and cannot kill somebody.

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