10 Tips for Airship Map

10 Tips for Airship Map

Before we start exploring Airship map let’s have some idea about each map that has been released so far.

1.The Skeld, often shortened to Skeld, is the first map in Among Us set on a spaceship in outer space. It is of a decent size having neither the smallest nor the biggest map in the game, with 14 rooms available. All the rooms on the map include at least one task. Let’s take a look at the tasks available in The Skeld:

  • Admin: Swipe Card
  • Cafeteria: Upload Data, Empty garbage
  • Communications: Upload data, Divert power to communications
  • Electrical: Upload data, Fix wiring, Calibrate distributor
  • Engines: Align engine output, Divert Power to Upper engine, Divert power to lower engine
  • others

2.Mira HQ is probably the second most popular after The Skeld, though it has more unique areas to it. MIRA HQ is technically the smallest among other maps, but that doesn’t mean it is the easiest to play. It features an obtuse layout and fully interconnected vents, so unprepared crewmates can quickly find themselves in a rut. The task would be depend on a map’s location:

Assemble Artifact( lab.)

Buy Beverage ( cafeteria)

Chart Course ( admin)

Clean O2 Filter ( Greenhouse)

Clear Asteroids ( balcony),


3.Polus is larger than the other maps and subsequently has a lot more tasks to be completed. Here is the list of all the tasks in Polus:

  • Boiler Room: Open Waterways, Replace Waterjug
  • Communications: Reboot Wifi
  • Dropship: Chart course. Insert Keys
  • Electrical: Upload data, Fix wiring
  • Laboratory: Repair Drill. Align Telescope, Record temperature
  • MedBay: Submit Scan, Inspect sample
  • O2: Upload Data, Empty garbage, Monitor tree, Fill canisters
  • Office: Swipe Card, Upload data, Scan boarding pass
  • Outside: Fix Weather Node Node_GI, IRO, PD, TB, CA, MLG, Record temperature
  • Specimen Room: Start reactor, Upload data, Unlock Manifolds, Store Artifacts
  • Storage: Fuel Engines
  • Weapons: Clear Asteroids, Upload data

4.With the size of the new Airship map, it’s not surprising to see a lot of new tasks that players need to complete. Here are the tasks that you have to deal while playing in the airship:

  • Engine Room – Fix Wiring
  • Meeting Room – Enter ID Code
  • Outside – Upload Data
  • Cargo Bay – Unlock Safe
  • Cargo Bay – Fuel Engines
  • Main Hall – Decontaminate
  • others

5. With 5 th map Among US got a new hide and seek mode, visor cosmetics, and achievements.

 Innersloth also made  account linking is on the roadmap as well, which is handy if you play the game across multiple platforms.

tasks: Divert and accept ,Fuel engines, Run diagnostics ( launchpad room),Submit scan ( medbay room),Fix wiring ( several locations),Process data ( the office), etc.

What is the best map in Among Us?

To be completely honest with you, all the maps are awesome. They each have unique features that differentiate them from the other maps, and can easily be the best map depending on the situation.

For quick games, the best map would probably be MIRA HQ. It’s small, compact, and makes for the perfect impostor den. As for the others, The Skeld is probably the most fun to play on, since most (if not all) the players are already familiar with it.

However, with the addition of The Airship, that might just become the best map overall. It has some really fun platforms and tasks, and it’s unique in the way that it’s structured.


 10 tips for Airship

1.Understand How Huge The Map Is

Since the new Airship map is the largest map in the game, it   may take even veteran players some getting used to. With long corridors and enormous rooms with multiple platforms, it may take quite a while for crewmates to get from one task to the next.

Imposters may find this new size both a blessing and a curse. Depending on any given player’s party size, they may more easily kill players without getting caught. However, if the party size is too small, imposters may have a hard time simply finding anyone to kill in the first place.

2.Master The Airship’s New Tasks

While many of the classic tasks that players have come to know and love are present in the Airship, there are also tons of new tasks here to freshen the game up. Among other things, crewmates may find themselves unlocking safes, rewinding videotapes, unclogging toilets, developing photos, making burgers, and fixing showers.

Like most tasks in Among Us, these new tasks aren’t too complicated. They should provide players with plenty to do while they narrow down the imposter.

3.Pay Extra Close Attention To Vents

Vents have been one of the most clever ways imposter can sneak around undetected throughout Among Us. On the new Airship map, imposters are given a lot more to play around with.

There are four “clumps” of vents throughout the map. One links the Cargo Bay, Showers, and Records, while another links the Vault, Cockpit, and Viewing Deck. One cluster connects the Engine Room, Kitchen, and Main Hall, and the last one connects the two sides of the Gap Room with the Main Hall. Crewmates should watch out – this may be the imposter’s best advantage.

4.Exersise caution In Electrical

Among Us developer Marcus Bromander said on Twitter that the Airship’s Electrical “might be scarier than Skeld”, and he very well may be right. The Electrical room on the Airship might be a nightmare for players to navigate, consisting of many small rooms with randomly opening doors.

Imposters may also be able to sabotage the lights. This makes it even more difficult for crewmates to find their way around, while imposters can use it to their advantage. Players looking to survive may want to stay far away from Electrical, though their tasks may make their entry into this maze unavoidable.

5.Select Starting Rooms Strategically

Unlike most other maps in Among Us, the sheer size of the Airship allows players to start in one of three locations. After completing an emergency meeting, players will be able to select between three rooms where they’ll like to continue.

The rooms players can start in are Records, Engine Room, and Main Hall. Players can strategically use this to spawn in a room closest to their next objective, helping crewmates complete tasks faster.

6.Use Ladders and Platforms To Navigate Multiple Levels

Previous maps for Among Us have just featured one floor that all players share. Unfortunately, that’s no longer the case for the Airship. The new map for Among Us now features multiple levels, forcing players to use ladders scattered throughout the map to traverse the Airship.

Players can also use floating platforms scattered throughout the map as shortcuts between rooms. This larger map size may prove advantageous for crewmates looking to avoid the imposter; smaller parties may go entire sessions without running into another player.

7.Security Is More Important Than Ever

Most players are well aware that they can view specific rooms using the security cameras in the Security room. However, since the Airship map is so big, the security ability is likely more useful here than ever before.

Here, players will be able to view the left entrance to the Engine Room, the right entrance to the Vault, the left entrance to Records, the left entrance to Security, the left entrance to Cargo Bay, and the left side of the Meeting Room. Both crewmates and imposters can use this to discover the locations of players on this insanely large map.

8.Know How To Navigate The Gap Room

The Gap Room in the Airship map is huge, and essential to any player’s traversal of the Airship. The Gap Room uses both of the aforementioned ladders and moving platforms, though players may also want to know easier ways to navigate the room.

The left side leads from the Brig and also contains a ladder leading to the Meeting Room. On the right players can find themselves wandering into Records. There are also vents on either side of the room, meaning that imposters can cross the gap with ease, provided that there’s no one watching.

9.Don’t Go The Wrong Way In Ventilation

Ventilation initially seems very similar to the Gap Room, though there is one key difference. Unlike the Gap Room, there is no way to cross the gap in Ventilation.

The left side of the room can be accessed through the showers, while the right can be accessed through Cargo Bay. There’s only one task in Ventilation, so players may want to remember which side of the room leads to where. Otherwise, they’ll have to painfully backtrack in order to reach their destination, and risk getting killed along the way.

10.Sabotages Are A Brilliant Strategy For Imposters

One of the imposter’s biggest advantages in Among Us is the use of sabotages to either distract, isolate, or kill other players. Knowing what sabotages imposters have at their disposal will be helpful for both imposters and crewmates when going into the game’s newest map. Along with the usual lights, doors, and comms sabotage, imposters now have a brand new sabotage to play with.

Imposters can attempt to crash the Airship, meaning that crewmates must scramble to avert the crash course. This can be resolved in the Gap Room, where players on either side must enter a code that resets every ten seconds. If this sabotage isn’t resolved, the imposter automatically wins.


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